Friday, March 7, 2008

Dirty Looks and Bouncy stuff

Wow what a task this was making the adjustments to this animation. On Tues day I don't know what I ate but I started to get a allergic reaction that took more then a day to become full blown, I busted out in hives. I was slightly itching in class on Wensday and later that night more and more of those tiny welts started to appear all over and by 8 at night there was so many that they merge into one big one one each of my arms, legs and back. Hrmm might make a interesting animation there. =P Anyways I took some meds but it doesn't work that fast and so today as I was working on this I'm still itching all over but not as bad as Wensday night. OK so I changed the last 3 frames by tilting the head back, it was a bit difficult to figure out how the features would look at that angle along with the mouth shape but I think it looks pretty good so far.

OK...not much to say really its a bouncing ball, although it was a bit hard gaging the movements since its technically bouncing in space if we ever rendered it.
Update: OK I took second look and made a revision (Thanx Brittany for the advice) It still not to the point to where I want it. I'm gonna keep working on it to get it there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rick, your mohawk guy cracks me up. He reminds me of that puppet that was on Pee Wee's playhouse. Or maybe it was another show, whatever. It looks good!